Associated Security News
Enjoy Halloween safely
31st October 2022
It’s Halloween, so everyone loves a good scare, but not when it comes to children’s safety. There are several simple and effective tips that parents can share with their children to reduce their risk of injury.
When trick-or-treating, always have an adult with you
Leaving children under 12 alone at night without adult supervision is never a good idea. If your children are old enough to go out without supervision, remind them to stay on familiar routes and remain safe.
Take care when walking
- When crossing a street at a corner, use traffic signals and crossings
- Look left, right, and left again when crossing.
- As you cross the street, keep your head up and put down your electronic devices
- Teach children to make eye contact with drivers when crossing the street.
- Walking on pavements or paths is always a good idea.
- If there are no pavements, you should walk as far to the left as possible. Children should take direct routes with fewer crossings of streets.
- Be aware of cars turning or backing up.
- Children should be taught to never cross between parked cars or dart out into the street
Costumes safety
- Check the label for a CE mark if you buy costumes.
- Fancy dress costumes not tested to the same flammability standards may ignite easily and burn more quickly.
- As with all clothing, keep Halloween and fancy dress outfits away from fire, lit candles, and other naked flames.
- Use flameless candles whenever possible. Make sure you follow candle safety guidelines if you are using lit candles during your celebrations.
- Children and pets should always be supervised when using lit candles
- It is not a good idea to allow children to carry, play with, reach over, light or be near lit candles
- Never leave a burning candle unattended
- Ensure that a candle is completely extinguished after use.
- Battery-operated candles are a better alternative to lit pumpkins
- Use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags if possible.
- Face paint and makeup are better alternatives to masks, which can irritate the skin and obscure a child’s vision, especially when crossing the street.
- By carrying glow sticks or torches, you can help children and adults see and be seen by drivers.
- Choosing the right size for your costume will prevent you from tripping and falling.
Driving safely during Halloween is especially important
- Be especially alert when driving in residential areas. Children tend to move in unpredictable ways on Halloween due to their excitement.
- At junctions, mini roundabouts, and curbs, keep an eye out for children.
- Entering and exiting driveways and alleys should be done slowly and carefully.
- By removing all distractions from your car, you can concentrate on the road and the surroundings.
- You can spot children from a greater distance if you drive slowly, anticipate heavy pedestrian traffic, and turn your headlights on earlier in the day.
- Most trick-or-treaters are out between 5:30p.m. and 9:30p.m., so keep an eye out for them then.
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